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U3A in Bath is an organisation for
retired people who want to find purposeful activity, enjoyment and
companionship. It is an organisation fully driven by its members who for
a nominal fee are able to participate in a range of activities from the
purely educational to the recreational. The only criterion for joining
is that of being retired. Its philosophy is of self-help. Nobody is paid
(except in a very few limited circumstances) and everybody is invited
to contribute to and receive the expertise of the membership.
Thus activities are organised through groups which each have a directing
mind or group leader. He or she will through discussion with the group
members arrange events. Each member will at specified intervals take an
initiative, for example, in the walking group each member will every so
often plan and lead a walk; in a history group each will expect to give a
talk or lead a discussion on an agreed topic. Each group will do
whatever is appropriate to that group.
If members do not find the activity they require, or if existing groups
are full, they are invited to set up their own group. To do this they
will be able to call upon the advice of the Groups Adviser who sits on
the Main Committee and enlist the help of the monthly newsletter, and
the website, both of whom aim to provide as much help as possible to
Although groups are the driving force of U3A in Bath, and they have a
great deal of autonomy, there is a committee whose function is to
provide a framework to enable people to interact with each other, to
cover matters like insurance, the monthly newsletter, management of
funds, publicity, the monthly lecture and hidden topics like data
protection and liaison with the Charity Commission.
In summary, the U3A in Bath exists for its members. Some members dip in
and dip out while others spend a considerable amount of their time on
its activities, but how much you participate is up to you. But for those
looking for activity, involvement and companionship in retirement,
there is nothing to beat it!
There are just over 1000 individual U3As in the UK, with a total of
about 400,000 or so members. There is a National Organisation called the
Third Age Trust to which we and other U3As are affiliated but each U3A
is an autonomous organisation.