Join us

We are always delighted to welcome new members. Below you will find information about joining the U3A in Bath and the application form. We normally communicate to members regularly by email so please provide an email address if at all possible.

You can complete the on-line joining form below or download a Membership Application Form (pdf) by clicking here.

If you are a UK tax payer we can benefit from the recovery of the standard rate tax on your subscription. In order that we may claim this tax refund, please enter the Gift Aid Signature Date on the form. You can view our data protection policy and our privacy policy under "Our Policies" in the "About Us" menu above. 

Membership Fees 

Our annual fees are shown below. Please be aware that our membership year runs from 1st October to 30th September.  Half fees apply for anyone joining on and after 1st April.

  Single membership  Double membership (two at same address) Other u3a
Newsletter by email £18  £36 £14
Newsletter by post £48  £66

How to pay

1) By post -  with a cheque made out to 'u3a in Bath' to: The Membership Secretary, u3a in Bath, Suite 104, 3 Edgar Buildings, George Street, Bath BA1 2FJ

2)  By BACS      To:   Unity Trust Bank 

Sort Code: 60-83-01

Account Name:     New Members 

Account Number:      20411378


u3a in Bath requires you to provide your personal information so that you can be kept informed about events and activities that are offered as part of your membership. In collecting the information, u3a in Bath will: -
    • Store it securely
    • Use it to communicate with you as a u3a member
    • Share it with Group Organisers for those groups of which you are a member
    • Share it with Event Organisers for those events you participate in
    • Send you general information about the Third Age Trust*
    • Share your data with companies who distribute the Trust’s magazine and, if you’ve opted for a posted newsletter, the u3a in Bath newsletters
* The Third Age Trust are the National Office to which all u3a's are affiliated. 


(Please Select)
First Name:
Last Name:
Home Phone:
Mobile Phone:


Address 1:
Address 2:
Address 3:

Partner Details

Partner's Name Including Title:
Mobile Phone:

Gift Aid

Please treat my current and future personal subscription/s as Gift Aid. I confirm that I am a UK taxpayer and that I pay at least as much tax on my income or capital gains as this U3A will reclaim. I will advise this U3A if I wish to cancel this declaration in the future or I no longer pay sufficient tax on my income or capital gains.

Gift Aid Signature Date:
Open the calendar popup.


Renewals By:
Communication By:

Bath U3A Newsletter: How do you want to receive regular newsletters from the U3A in Bath?

Newsletter delivery by:

Do you want to receive the quarterly U3A National magazine?

u3a National Magazine?:


Are you a member of another U3A?:


We are a self-help organisation and are always looking for volunteers. If you are able to help in any way please tick yes below and then add a few notes in the box to let us know how you are able to contribute..

Are you willing to volunteer?:


For Membership Secretary use only: