The u3a is for people who are retired or semi-retired whatever age they may be. We organise a large variety of activities, both educational and recreational, and believe in learning from each other. We have over 1500 members in Bath and, whatever your interests, there's bound to be others like you. Why not have a browse through our list of groups and come and join us?

Click here to see a welcome message from our Chair.

New members should Login using the username they received when they joined and the password they created. If you forget the password, new one can be created by using Create/Reset password on the Login page. If you forget the username, you can obtain it by writing to the membership secretary. It is a useful practice to securely store the username and password in a safe place.


Members must login to view further details of outings and theatre visits (including booking forms) on the Events page. These are members-only and members must book to attend. 

Non-members are welcome to attend our monthly talks but are asked to make a contribution of £5.00 towards our costs.  This contribution is refundable if you join at the meeting. There is no need to book to attend a monthly talk.

Non-members with enquiries about our group activities can email us at


What's on  

 When  What Description
 Thurs  3rd April Monthly Talk  The BBC Licence Fee - challenges and changes by Alex Leger (Details) 
 Thurs 1st May Monthly Talk  Walking to Rome by Chris O'Grady, raconteur (Details)
Thurs 5th. June  Monthly Talk  Magnificent Women and Flying Machines - Sally Smith,       writer and journalist (Details)
 Thurs 3rd. July  Monthly Talk  The Scottish Clearances by Moira Taylor (Details)
 Thurs 3rd. July  AGM   u3a in Bath  Annual General Meeting, 2025 at 11:35 am
 Monday 28th. July Trip  6 day trip to Chester and Liverpool (Details)

Our monthly talk is held at The Pavilion, North Parade, Bath BA2 4EU, usually on the first Thursday of each month. It does not take place in August. Coffee or tea and biscuits can be purchased from 9:45amPlease start taking seats from 10:15amThe talk starts at 10:30am, given by an outside speaker on a subject of general interest. This usually lasts about an hour with questions afterwards.